The narrative designer says it’s a shooter, it s a game about killing people. So the biggest input, or the biggest monkey wrench the player can throw into any kind narrative flow, is by systematically murdering the cast of characters. What they needed was to be sure they could provide a story that wouldn't be fragile – He says, ‘We weren't trying to resist the player's efforts to change it, but we weren't left with chaos and carnage if the player's being a sociopath either’.
Total control
Dua pekan lalu, Badan PM mengumumkan 22 produk obat kuat pria mengandung bahan kimia yang membahayakan kesehatan. Konsumennya bisa terkena serangan jantung, stroke, impotensi, bahkan meninggal. Badan POM meminta produsen segera menarik produk tersebut
Belakangan, Sang Syekh kian populer karena perilakunya yang dianggap kontroversial. Menikahi gadis berusia 12 tahun bernama Lutfiana Ulfa. Pernikahan siri dengan istri keduanya itu dilangsungkan 8 Agustus 2008. Pernikahan Ulfa dimakelari Kusmiati. Kisah ini bermula dari diajaknya Ulfa untuk umroh oleh Syekh Puji.
Pernikahan tak sepantasnya itu mendapat reaksi banyak pihak. Jaringan LSM bersama aktivis perlindungan anak dan perempuan Syekh Puji ke polisi karena dianggap melanggar Undang-undang Perkawinan dan Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak. Lebih dari itu, perbuatan Puji dianggap sangat tak pantas dilakukan, apalagi oleh seorang yang mengaku syekh yang dikenal suka gonta-ganti istri.
WAR's claim to fame is it's attachment to the Games Workshop miniature-based, tabletop game, "Warhammer." Rabid fans of the pseudo-sport have flocked to conventions, purchased thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, and ultimately spent there hard-earned paychecks on lackluster video games. The masses begged for a pixelated gift from the folks at EA, hoping to quell their desires for an interactive, electronic Warhammer experience. Their answer came in the form of WAR, but much like many presents from faceless gift-givers, it came at a price.
You see, WAR is an amazing game offering much of what made its predecessors successful while creating unique experiences for the seasoned MMO veterans. The user interface, quest givers and combat systems will, without a doubt, remind you of popular titles such as "Everquest" and "World of Warcraft," but where this game really shines is with its Player versus Player (PvP) combat and stellar public quest systems. PvP is brought to a larger scale with Realm versus Realm combat. Once there, you'll join up with a massive army as you lead an assault or defend your homeland against your enemies. Public Quests offer repeatable, scripted events that can earn special rewards as well as the opportunity to participate in mini adventures that act as a reprieve from monotonous grinding.
Sadly, these amazing features are stained with the frustration caused by low framerates and lag issues. Don't get me wrong. I've played enough MMOs from beta to release to know that every game on this scale suffers lag issues and lowered framerates. I'm sure as the game gathers subscribers, has the chance to tweak their servers, and patch system-slowing glitches, WAR will be an enjoyable experience for everyone playing. But, when your running a system that exceeds system requirements and the game chugs like the Little Engine That Could, all you experience is irritation.
All-in-all, would I recommend WAR, absolutely. The game offers everything that makes its competitors great and improves upon it every step of the way. System slowdowns, much like bad weather, will pass, allowing the sun to shine, birds to sing, and greenskins to plant their mighty axes in the toughened skulls of enraged dwarves. WAAAAAGH!!!
Advantage #1 - Picture Quality
The main reasons people choose plasma over LCD, rear projection and front projectors is the picture quality. Because of the plasma technology, the colors displayed by plasma TV's are superior to those of any other kind of television. Many people think that when the color black is displayed on their TV that it is actually black. However, most TV's can't actually display blacks. They are just dark shades of gray. Plasma TV's produce very black blacks because of the plasma technology.
Advantage #2 - Screen Size
Plasma TV's start in the 42 inch and higher range. If you are looking for a large TV, there are plenty of plasma options. LCD screens range from cell phone screens clear up to 65 inch televisions but a large plasma TV is typically a better buy than a LCD TV. If you are buying a plasma TV 50 inches or great, make sure you get a HDTV with 1080p resolution. 1080p is the highest possible resolution and if you are viewing a large screen TV, you will actually see the difference between 1080p and 720p. If it is a smaller TV, the difference is hardly noticeable and not worth the extra money.
Disadvantage #1 - Cost
Plasma TV's are typically the most expensive televisions on the market. They used be nearly double or triple the price of similar LCD HDTV's. The prices are slowly dropping due to advances in technology but you will usually pay more for a plasma TV than the same size in a LCD or rear projection television. Plasma TV's also cost more to run because they require more power and electricity. It isn't a major difference but over the course of a year, you might pay an extra couple hundred dollars in electricity bills.
Disadvantage #2 - Screen Size
Because plasma's aren't usually available in less than 42 inch screen size, you can't get a smaller TV if you are limited to a certain size. Most flat panel owners are looking in the 30 and 40 inch range and you will find your options are somewhat limited if you are looking for a plasma television. If you are buying a smaller screen, you don't have to have 1080p resolution. Many new TV's come with 1080p but if you have the choice, a 720p might save you some money and you won't even notice the difference.
Beberapa Keajaiban Air
1. Air pada fasa padat jauh lebih ringan dp air pd fasa cair. Karena itu es mengambang. Ini penting untuk kehidupan di danau air tawar, krn es berperan sbg penyekat thd pelepasan energi panas shg pembekuan air dr permukaan hingga ke dasar tdk terjadi.
2 Titik beku berkurang di bwh tekanan, shg pencairan terjadi di dasar glacier yg memudahkan terjadinya aliran glacier.
3. Rantai H putus di bawah tekanan, shg es di bwh tekanan akan menjadi plastis, shg daratan es di Antartika dan Artik mengalir melepaskan gunung es di atasnya. Tanpa proses ini, maka semua air akan menjadi es di daerah kutub.
Keajaiban Air Yg Lain
• Di Jepang, Dr. Masaru Emoto dari Universitas Yokohama dg tekun melakukan penelitian ttg perilaku air dan menulis buku tentang ’the True Power of Water’.
• Menurut dia air bisa "mendengar" kata2, "membaca" tulisan, dan "mengerti" pesan dan serta merekam pesan spt pita magnetik atau compact disk. Semakin kuat konsentrasi pemberi pesan, semakin dlm pesan tercetak di air. • Bbrp hasil foto kristal dr air yg telah mndpt pesan dan didinginkan sampai -5oC Ketika dibacakan doa untuk kesembuhan didepan sebotol air maka terekam kristal seperti dibawah
Ketika dicoba dibacakan doa Islam, kristal bersegi enam dengan lima cabang daun muncul berkilauan. Subhanallah.
Ketika musik heavy metal diperdengarkan, kristal hancur.
Kristal air ini merekam lagu ‘Imagine’ dari John Lennon. Spt lagunya, kristal ini unik dan indah. Setiap elemen tumbuh dg harmonis
Selanjutnya ditunjukkan kata ”malaikat” : terbentuk rantai dg kristal hexagonal yg indah (gambar kiri) dan ketika ditunjukan kata "setan", kristal berbentuk buruk dg bola api ditengah (gambar kanan).
Barangkali itulah, kenapa air putih yg didoai bisa menyembuhkan si sakit. Dulu ini diang-gap musyrik, atau paling2 cuma dianggap sugesti, Ternyata molekul air menangkap pesan doa kesembuhan, menyimpannya, lalu vibrasi-nya merambat kpd molekul air lain yg ada di tubuh si sakit.Tubuh manusia memang 75% terdiri atas air. Otak 74,5% air. Darah 82% air. Tulang yg keras pun mengandung 22% air. Air putih galon di rumah bisa setiap hari didoakan dg khusyu kpd Allah, agar anak yg meminumnya saleh, sehat, dan cerdas, dan agar suami yg minum tetap setia. Air tadi akan berproses di tubuh menerus-kan pesan kpd air di otak dan pembuluh darah. Dgn izin Allah, pesan tadi akan dilaksanakan tubuh tanpa kita sadari. Bila air minum Bila kita renungkan berpuluh ayat Al Quran ttg air, kita akan tersentak bhw Allah rupanya selalu menarik perhatian kita kpd air. Bahwa air tdk sekadar benda mati. Dia menyimpan kekuatan, daya rekam, daya penyembuh, dan sifat2 aneh lainnya yg menunggu disingkap manusia. Islam adalah agama yang paling melekat dengan air. Shalat wajib perlu air wudlu 5 kali sehari. Habis bercampur, suami istri wajib mandi. Mati pun wajib dimandikan. Tidak ada agama lain yg menyuruh memandikan jenazah, malahan ada yang dibakar. Tetapi kita belum melakukan zikir air. Kita masih perlakukan air tanpa respek. Kita buang secara mubazir, bahkan kita cemari. Astaghfirullah. Seorang ilmuwan Jepang telah merintis. Ilmuwan muslim harus melanjutkan kajian kehidupan ini berdasarkan Al Quran dan hadis. Siapa tahu kasus lumpur panas Lapindo bisa diatasi dg terapi doa spt tersebut diatas. Wallahu a'lam .
Disarikan dari Wahyono HadiKetika diputarkan musik Symphony Mozart, kristal muncul berbentuk bunga.